Native Digital Dr

Developing new communication strategies for the digital native doctor

About one in three Australian GPs is a digital native,1 which has fundamental implications for go-to-market strategies and a critical impact on how pharmaceutical companies promote the quality use of their medicines. Digital natives were born after 1980 and raised in an environment in which they were surrounded by technology (Palfrey and Gasser, 2013, Prensky, 2001).

Rsz Gp Reading Outside Working Hours

Why engaging with GPs outside of working hours is crucial for pharma

Australian prescribers have tasted digital convenience and are unlikely to return to their pre-pandemic levels of face-to-face engagement with pharmaceutical representatives. That’s according to an in-depth report published by ADG in 2021 and a follow-up pulse survey among Australian Doctor readers conducted in January 2022[i]. The report titled How a GP initiated engagement model could

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How life sciences organisations can help medical students shift from science to clinical practice

Being a member of the academic elite doesn’t necessarily make a good doctor, an AusDoc survey has revealed. From an experienced doctor’s perspective, high-achieving academics can face problems in practice. “Almost only the academic elite enter the system. This doesn’t necessarily make the best doctors…they are not used to failure and uncertainty and the hospital,

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An expert’s roadmap to post-COVID and what it means for Pharma

COVID-19 modelling expert explains why it’s going to be trickier than many people think to vaccinate ourselves out of Delta Even as vaccination rates rise across Australia, it is unlikely that risk-averse medical practices will be allowing pharmaceutical reps to engage in face-to-face visits any time soon. So how can new digital GTM channels help to close this gap?  The only certainty

Rsz Inside Healthcare Aug 2021

5 ways Pharma can help registrars to succeed

Research study reveals GP registrars carry heavy burden of responsibility without life experience to rely on, and tools pharma can use to help GP registrars are under such stress that they are seeking out peers and crowd support to help them feel more confident in their jobs, an AusDoc survey has revealed. The Project Pathway

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6 key messages you should prioritise when talking to GPs about your product

Research study shows how to better support and educate this crucial market GPs are expected to stay up-to-date with the constant changes in medicine yet, with the myriad information available, they must still navigate and interrogate multiple sources to find what they need.  This information overload takes time away from the main source of GPs’ job

Independent Research Shows Gps

5 key insights to better understand and engage with medical students

Survey uncovers what medical students need and how best to connect with them Helping medical students to succeed in their studies is a key factor in getting their attention, a recent ADG survey* has found.  The survey, conducted in February 2021, asked students in their final two years of study about the tensions they face and what they need

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How has COVID-19 changed GP and pharmaceutical field staff engagement?

With the sudden and dramatic impact of COVID-19, a survey of GPs and their contact with pharmaceutical field staff during the pandemic reveals a massive drop in face-to-face engagement. The joint Australian Doctor Group and Medicines Australia poll was sent out in mid-May and attracted almost 400 responders. It shows prior to the pandemic half

Leading Brands Doctors Know Trust

COVID-19: Is it time for governments to start a conversation with GPs?

As Australia enters a new phase of its COVID-19 journey, governments have an increasing opportunity to engage in a two-way conversation with GPs; not only about the virus itself but also about ensuring their patients don’t ignore their general health during the pandemic.  GPs are generally satisfied with the COVID-19 information they have received up to now, according to a survey of AusDoc.PLUS readers1. But a big gripe is that different information sources

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Pharma’s role in the COVID-19 crisis goes beyond new tests and treatments

Two weeks ago, on 17 March, as governments around the world began closing borders, a flight arrived at Sydney airport from the US. On board was the first consignment of thousands of new COVID-19 diagnostic testing kits that had been developed by Roche Diagnostics within weeks of the outbreak in Wuhan, China. Their arrival was

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Telehealth and quality care: How COVID-19 is rapidly changing the GP landscape

GP practices across Australia are rising to the challenge of COVID-19. By far, the most widely read Australian Doctor article this week is a Quick Guide to Medicare funding for telehealth consultations. A close second is a recent article that that discusses the impact of the pandemic on day-to-day practice. Other articles and reader comments